A Scary Day of Crochet

  I've shared my progress (and problems) with August's Scarf of the Month over the last few posts. I really wanted to use the scrap left over from the Drops on the Window Scarf for this pattern, but didn't have enough in the end. While digging through the stash I disovered more than one half-ball of white (all the same kind of yarn), and decided that it would make a nice transition between the beginning variegated color and the next.

  I think I made the right decision. Since I didn't have enough blue to use, I decided that some leftover yellow would make the next best choice for the third color. I know I have about half a ball of pale yellow that will compliment the varigated color nicely. I don't have to worry about the whole project being a disaster because that perfect yellow is right here in my stash!

All I have to do is open...

Yeah... It's here somewhere...

I thought it was here somewhere...

Ugh. Stupid troll!

  So, my I-know-it-will-be-perfect yellow has been relocated by the troll. Really, I know I have it. I looked everywhere I have yarn. It will probably show up again in about two months in a place that I've already looked five times... Oh well. On to the next plan:

  I have more than one kind of yellow! I know, because I found them all while looking for the yellow I want. Since yarn was already everywhere, I set them aside to compare with the project. I thought this skein of Caron United in Aran would be the next best thing to the pale yellow:

  Yuck, I don't like it. It's not yellow enough. That's probably good anyway, because I need it for another World's Biggest Stocking blanket. On to the next yellow:

YUCK! I hate it! The Other Half says "Use it; it's close enough"...

Is it? Should I listen to him? Let's take a closer look:

  Double YUCK! Eeeew, no! Get it away! It's horrible! So... Nope, not using it. Back to the stash, you overly-yellowish Yellow!

  I went back to the idea of using up that blue. How, if there wasn't enough before? I was going to remeasure in a single crochet stitch to see if I could get one skinny row around. In the end, I had so much doubt in the back of my mind that I didn't bother. Knowing that I did have a brand-new skein of another yellow, I went to my big-box-of-Caron-United that never got put away properly.

There it is!

Um...Whoa... Hi there, buddy!

...And there I go, right back out of the room!

Omg, I was in there barefooted and everything! I went to get some shoes, my camera, and other supplies...

What's that? What am I freaking out about now?

Can you see it?

  Sorry, I don't have any FBI-quality photo analyzing software to clean up the image. But there it is; right there! That's where it was when I opened this box:

  Welcome to living in central Florida. There's no palm trees and beaches around here; it's half-desert, half-pine woods, part swamp, and lots of pasture grass. We have lots of interesting fauna that's common around the area, including deer, turkey, fox, rabbit, squirrel, raccoon, and gopher tortoise. In the right places you'll find questionable critters like gator, possum, snapping turtles, and bear. We also have some not-so-nice things like coyote, rattlesnake, brown recluse spiders, and what you're about to see.

*If, by any chance, you are with the People for Ethical Treatment of Bugs, please understand that this guy must have had some sort of sickness or something. There he was, on the little dustpan that came attached to my flyswatter (genius idea, by the way)...

...I must have blacked out for a moment. When I came to, he had mysteriously died from unknown circumstances. Maybe it was a temporary increase of carbon monoxide in my home... Could have been some sort of horrible virus or something... Gee, I hope it's not contagious! What if it was radiation from an alien spaceship? Omg, what if I was abducted by aliens? Omg, what if this thing is an alien?

  So, that was the end of my crocheting for the day. The rest of my time was spent making sure that was the only scorpion in the box. You know, so they could be caught and "humanely released". I need to find a place for that yarn already, and get some work done around the yard and the house. There's already a twinge of fall in the air (even here!), and I know that when these creepy critters start moving in, it means the winter will be cold. Plus: Holy cow! There's a tropical storm headed this way!

Happy Crocheting!


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